The Wizard's . . . 
Best Friend's Hawaiian Adventure
The Hawaiian Adventure . . . 
. . . Which Changed My Best Friend's Life Forever

The Wizard . . . 

People are often jealous of my best friend and wish they could be my best friend.  Trust me . . . it's not everything it's cracked up to be.  :-) 
The Hawaiian Adventure
I am teaching my best friend to live with greater intention . . . that life is precious . . . and none of us know how much of this life we have left! So, Live in the MOMENT . . . our Life Vision, with a Hope for the FUTURE, and a reflection of thankfulness for the PAST.   
Questions . . . thoughts . . . insights . . . how these videos changed your life / impacted how you think? Email my best friend at

Our Networks ... Our Why

"Helping EVERYONE Discover Their Life Vision & Live It Daily!"

Daily Short Video

I have asked my best friend to shoot a short daily video with his thoughts on how to help us all better live our life visions each and every day.

Business Working Without ME (BWWM)

One of the last vacations I took it cost me over $70,000 in lost business.  Being part of BWWM & The Wizard's Community is helping me to turn this vacation into earning more than $1 million dollars.  Join for as low as $20 a month. ~ click here ~ for additional information.


I would like to thank LEVERAGE . . . The Course as it gave me the ability to grow my business when I wasn't working AND how to LEVERAGE my Hawaiian vacation into over $1 million dollars.  :-)   ~ click here ~ for additional information on LEVERAGE and share this with others you know as I am doing with my Hawaiian vacation adventure.  
NOTE:  MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS LEARNED ~ If you are the "get to the bottom line quickly" type of individual and you want to skip the fun and just get to the money ~ click here ~ for the lessons learned from this trip and how you can earn over $1 million dollars from any two week vacation you take.  :-)  
Day 1 ~ 
        Life Vision
Day 5 ~ 
Day 9 ~ 
      Life & Death
Day 13 ~ 
Day 2 ~      
Day 6 ~ 
     DNA for LIFE
Day 10 ~ 
Day 14 ~ 
 Day 4 ~ 
Day 8 ~ 
What's Next?

Hawaiian Adventure ~ "On The Beach"
Day 1 ~ Life Vision
On a Hawaiian beach, my best friend shares one of the nine books he took on vacation, "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek.  Do you know your "Why" . . . your Life Vision?
My best friend discovered his Life Vision when he was 8 years old.  It took almost 32 years for him to figure out a system to help others to discover their Life Vision through the passion circle.  ~ Click here ~ to learn how to complete your own passion circle to discover your WHY . . . your Life Vision, the purpose for why you were placed on this amazing earth for the amazing life you were meant to live.    
YES, this is my best friends daughter and it is a real picture.  If it seems like she might die . . . the reason it seems like that is that she could have.  She was on the edge of volcanic rocks and a 12 foot drop when the water went over her  and crashed down on her!  My best friend is extremely thankful that he didn't lose his crazy expressive / driver careless daughter when he stepped away for just a moment.  :-)  Her amazing husband was the one who took the photo and luckily she walked away with only a few scratches on her leg and a HUGE bruise on her butt.  It's a blast to vacation with my best friend.  You should try it.  :-)
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "In A Rain Forest"
Day 2 ~ ActionVISION - The Idea Conceived
One of the nine books my best friend took on vacation was "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek.  Do you know your "Why," your Life Vision?  The truth is . . . if we're living our "Why" / Our Life Vision each and every day . . . then we are living a "Hawaiian" vacation each and every day of our life. ~ Click here to live it daily ~
At the age of 19, my best friend's mom shared . . . "Mark, you come from a hard working family and I'm concerned about you becoming a workaholic.  Just remember, I have never experienced anyone on their death bed who said they wished they had spent more time working."  My best friend's 19 year old response might surprise you. 
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Crushing Waves..."
Day 3 ~ DNA for PEOPLE - Saves marriages... 
At the volcanic rocks in Hawaii with the ocean crashing in, my best friend shares how, at the age of 19 for his wife and 20 for him, they were married.  He is transparent where he shared how the first two years of their marriage, seemed like the crushing waves of life, were really rough and how learning Personality Masteries, The DNA for PEOPLE may have saved his marriage.

The Sand, Rocks, Waves, & Sunsets Of Life ..

Imagine . . . having a system where you could identify someone's personality in 17 seconds and know more about them than they know about themselves. If you haven't had your GIFT 30 minute Strategy Session through Legacy Partners, an amazing non-profit organization,        ~ click here ~ and take 14 minutes to complete a short series of questions. In "Referred By" type: 
The Wizard - Hawaiian Adventure


If you would like to learn how to turn your vacation into earning over $250,000 a year in extra income check this out.
Thoughts From The Wizard
"When I shared with my best friend that he could take his two week Hawaiian vacation and turn it into an adventure which would help him earn an additional $240,000+ a year in passive income . . . needless to say, he was cynical.  When I told him that his first step was to create a 2 to 3 minute video each day, he was resistant . . . but because he is my best friend, he trusted me.  If you learn to trust me, trust the system, and trust yourself you can do what he is doing.  Check out joining my community and let's do life together."  :-)  
Wizard Note:  You are free to join The Wizard's Community at any level.  "Yes" even the $20 a month level will give you access to what I shared with my friend.  
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "With The Big Guns"
Day 4 ~ DNA for BUSINESS
At Pearl Harbor, my best friend relates military might and The 5/30 Grid to business might and the importance of all of us working together.  As business owners . . . we should be the most thankful of anyone for veterans and those serving in our military for enabling us to pursue the freedoms of business ownership.  What can we do to partner with veterans in starting companies together?
Imagine . . . being a part of a number of networks of like minded individuals all seeking together to discover our Life Vision and live it each and every day.  Imagine . . . all coming together as many mighty business mastermind groups, working together for the mutual benefit of everyone, and each individual at the same time.

The 5/30 Grid . . . Your BIG Guns!

5 Areas that are all independent . . . BUT . . . all also working together just like the armed forces, for the benefit of helping each one of us discover & live  our Life Vision daily . . . our WHY.  
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Fireworks-Hawaii"
Day 5 ~ DNA for PEOPLE (Another Thought)
The 4th of July, at the beach in Hawaii.  What Natural Laws are just waiting to be discovered by the best friend of The Wizard?
Do you ever get tired?  Do you ever feel like giving up?  Over 97% of businesses fail in the first 7 years.  Why?  In probably every situation it's a lack of deeply understanding the 3 DNA's and having systems in place which provide LEVERAGE to power, the energy of Natural Laws.  The white paper library helps us to master the 500+ Natural Laws which give us LEVERAGE in every area of our life.

Learn to LEVERAGE 
. . . everything!

Over 80 white papers which can help us and those around us solve any challenge / problem we have and help us to live our Life Vision each and every day.  Each white paper will mostly likely have some aspect of the 3 DNA's.  
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Polynesian Center"
Day 6 ~ DNA for LIFE
The perfect day to talk about the DNA for LIFE in visiting the Polynesian Culture Center.  Many different cultures, ways of thinking, and different traditions.  What's interesting is . . . it seems . . . that many people have never deeply considered the pros and cons to their own culture and the culture of others?  I wonder . . . if one of the reasons America has seen the success we have is that we are truly the "melting pot" and have / are seeking to figure out the best ways of thinking from all types of cultures.
How do we learn to Think Differently?

Think Differently

If we are great students then we are curious . . . we live in the creative world, not the world of habit.  We are seeking adventure, new ways of thinking and doing things.  How do we learn to do this faster and helps those around us to do the same thing?  Discover your very own Natural Law and add it to the 500+ library today.
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Hot Car & Women"
Day 7 ~ Engineered CLARITY
We are drawn to attractive things . . . people, places, and things.  When we say "Hot Car & Hot Women" what do we think of?  
It seems, that as we gain wisdom, gain clarity in life that we realize that while the outside, the external has value it's really what's inside an individual that matters the most. In People ~ Business ~ Life learning to gain CLARITY faster, helps us to see greater success in every area of one's life.

Clarity In Life

What are our challenges / problems in life?  What is our "Why" . . . our Life Vision?  How do we live our Life Vision out each and every day?  
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Shark's Bay"
What does "Shark's Bay" have to do with LEVERAGE . . . The Magical Art of POSITIVE Motivation & Manipulation?
I've heard of photo bombing but never "Hula dance" bombing.  :-) Hmmm . . . I sense that the woman doing the hula dancing in the background . . . has a dad who has the Hawaiian spirit deep within him.  :-)   


Are we taking our BOS ~ Business Operating System and LEVERAGING that for both personal and professional success?  The Wizard is fond of saying "If we truly understood what BOS would do in our business and lives, we would be a lot more serious about having one designed by a professional."
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Scuba Diving"
Day 9 ~ Coffee Connections
What does Scuba Diving have to do with Coffee Connections?  :-) 
Everything has to do with Coffee Connection if we know the power which Coffee Connections brings us.  What is difference between a mastermind and networking?

The Difference . . .

"Networking is . . . 'You give me a fish and I'll give you a fish and we both walk away happy . . . but still owning a job vs. a business.'  Masterminds are 'We work together to build systems which help all our businesses to work without us.'"
Where do you love to travel to?  What do you love doing?  What are you passionate about?  Start a Coffee Connection to connect your passions with others who have similar passions and magical things will happen as a result of this.
Hawaiian Adventure ~ The Wizard
Day 10 ~ Mark & The Wizard Talk
The Wizard joins his best friend on today's Hawaiian Adventure and shares his thoughts on some interesting things.   
Did you join The Wizard's Community from the invite after Day 3?  If not, why not?  Mark, The Wizard's best friend has such a hard time trusting The Wizard, but does so.  What's interesting is even when things don't work out, when Mark trusts The Wizard, it still works out.  If that doesn't make sense to you, join The Wizard's community for yourself and you will then understand for yourself what we are talking about.  ~ click here for additional information ~ 

Turn Everything to $

It's interesting being raised in a very conservative church I was exposed a lot to "Maybe some negative things about money?"..... or probably better put just not valuing money which I love actually . . . in a way.  Imagine though, if everything we LOVED to do we could earn money on it?  :-)  This is what The Wizard is teaching those who want to learn to do.
Hawaiian Adventure ~ Waterfall Swim
Day 11 ~ Business Sense From Moms 
What are the things that your mom shared with you which has helped create success for you in business?  
Sad to say, but true . . . most C-Level executives in companies are white males over 50 years old.  When they have challenges, where do they go to discover solutions?  Usually other C-Level executives, i.e. white males over 50.  What if . . . C-Level executives were to go to "Business Sense From Everyday Moms?"  Hmmm . . . The Wizard would say this is something which will help us all to think differently.

The Power Of Moms

I have a daughter who is a single mom and I love how hard she is working to raise a daughter who is loving, caring, and a producer, not a consumer.  Our grand daughter is being raised to discover her Life Vision at a very young age and then live that life vision each and every day.  GingerAnne, our oldest daughter and her husband Joshua, have blessed us with four grandchildren.  I, as their grandfather, desire to help them learn how to turn their passions into an economic engine AND then get their . . . Business Working Without Me.  (BWWM)
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Dinner Cruise"
Day 12 ~ Super Natural Laws
This was SOOOOO much fun!  I would recommend doing a sunset dinner cruise on one of your first days and then the last day too, it was so relaxing and beautiful.  
When we learn to live every area of our lives, through the Natural Laws which govern every area of life . . . we just live happier lives.  

Mind Blowing!!!

Every one of the 14 nights we were there the sunset was perfect and different.  I'm so thankful to my children for giving us this dream vacation adventure of a lifetime.  I'm even more excited to leave a LEGACY for each of them.
So many cherished memories!  I am so thankful for each of the team members who care so much and worked so hard to make this possible.  I am so thankful to each of our clients; current, past, and future who also contributed to the Hawaiian Vacation Adventure through the many deep connections we have made through the many networks we are blessed to be a part of.  My hope is that each of you are able to take the same type of vacation I have. 

Thank you!
To be a part of The Wizard's Community, you can join for as little as $20 a month.  There are three requirements to continue to be a part of the community.
  • Requirement #1:  Be a part of a weekly mastermind group and/or lead one.
  • Requirement #2:  Submit one "book" report every three months for your own and the benefit of others.  
  • Requirement #3:  Care enough about someone to bring them into a community where we all care about helping each one of us to Discover & Live Our Life Vision each and every day.
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "Hawaiian Tour"
Day 13 ~ Follow Through . . . 
I have gone on many vacations and honestly have never thought about turning one into generating $1 million dollars as a result of a vacation . . . until The Wizard visited me on Day 10.
SEE . . . people are looking for significance, to make an impact, to make a difference . . . in the lives of others . . . BUT . . . when we have no time and no energy left after working, we aren't able to do that.

The Wizard's Insight

The Wizard helped me to realize that my life's work, the IP (intellectual property) that I have been blessed with is so very unique that, through The Wizard's help and partnership I could earn millions of dollars as could each of you.  
Hawaiian Adventure ~ "The Trip Home"
Day 14 ~ My Future . . . Our Future . . . 
As a grandfather . . . they say the instant you become a grandfather your brain changes . . . and I get that.  I love my seven children and their spouses, and I love my grandchildren in a way that is impossible to explain.
I would LOVE to have all seven of my children, my three sons-in-law, my daughter-in-law, and my five grandchildren all join me in my next Vacation Adventure.  What would be even more cool to me though is to see you and your family and single moms and orphans connect with us in our networks and make a difference in their lives.

My Hope & Prayer . . . 

I pray that all my family and those in my networks realize early in life that "it's not about us" . . . I mean it is but it's not.  I pray that we will not be self absorbed, going from one adventure to another and never realizing what it's all really about.  If you would like to find out what the nuclear reactor inside of me is, email me at and I would love to let you know what really drives me to do all this and more.  :-)  I would love to hear your life vision and see your passion circle and let's do a vacation adventure together.  It would be so much fun!
Hawaiian Adventure . . . Continued . . . 
On the last day of the adventure Mark had a thought.  What if . . . he had also done a video for his children and grandchildren as well each day?  

Hard & Easy . . . 

Mark was surprised by how hard and easy it was to do a video. Some of the adventure crew, as well as Mark, weren't sure about doing a video each day? Mark did give what he was going to say some thought and jotted down an outline of the big picture things he thought would have meaning. The video to the left is the first video to his children, grandchildren, and others who may benefit from it.
NOTE:  MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS LEARNED ~ If you are the "get to the bottom line quickly" type of individual and you want to skip the fun and just get to the money ~ click here ~ for the lessons learned from this trip and how you can earn over $1 million dollars from any two week vacation you take.  :-)  
Mastermind vs. Network
In a networking group . . . you give me a fish, I give you a fish, and we both walk away happy . . . but we still own a job rather than owning a company!   In Coffee Connection mastermind groups we learn how to build systems which do the fishing for us so we OWN A COMPANY . . . vs. Owning A Job.  Additional valuable information on The 5/30 Grid.  ~ click here


Read the powerful white papers to learn to think like The Wizard.
A word from The Wizard
You are in for an amazing treat . . . in being a part of this amazing mastermind group . . . not because of me . . . of course . . . but because of those who are leading this group and also contributing.  If you think . . . "I've been to something like this in the past" trust me . . . as The Wizard, you haven't.
Manage Up/Out . . . (Email your ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies)
~ Include in email the url for the white paper
1. What did I LEARN.
2. What ACTION I will take from what I learned.
3. What do I need to learn NEXT.
LEVERAGE Chamber Of Commerce 
Would you like to gain a lot more access to a lot more people without taking a great deal of time?  Imagine . . . bringing so much value to your local Chamber of Commerce that they strongly recommend everyone in the Chamber talking with you!  With the SCORE + Chamber + LMI (You) partnering together, you can accomplish so much more together than you ever could on your own.  Check out the attached white / thought paper for additional details and then talk to Don, Ski, and/or the individual who invited you.
~ The Power Of Natural Laws ~
Engineered CLARITY is so very powerful as it gives us LEVERAGE to accomplish so much more, with the efforts that we are already investing.  Sit in on Don's  ActionVISION coaching session.
A few of the things covered are Engineered CLARITY, BOS, the 3 DNA's, Dimensional Thinking, the library of Natural Laws, jumping the GAP, the 3 elements to frustration, and so much more.  To travel  the frequency that Don and Ski travel at, it's important to understand how to Think Differently and do so quickly.  
Coffee Connection
52 Second Overview Video
1  Minute MVP Video
Coffee Connection
4 Minute Introduction Video
Coffee Connection
8 Minute History Video
Coffee Connection
6 Minute Next Steps
~ Learn About Coffee Connection ~
Are you looking for an innovative way to generate more and better business opportunities?  The CORE group which meets over the phone every Friday, assists every member who desires to start their own local Coffee Connection Mastermind group.   
Don't make it harder than what it is.  We all have 10,080 minutes in a week.  You are seeking 2 individuals who will commit to doing a phone mastermind for 30 minutes once a week to participate in the weekly virtual mastermind group.
How many of our current connections are we tapping into just a small portion of their full network?  Are we LEVERAGING our own networks and the networks of others for mutual benefit to everyone?

Did you know, based on university research that the average person knows around 250 people and the average business owner knows over 5,500 people?  Write down, or better yet put in a spreadsheet, all the business owners, business professionals, and community leaders you know.  Multiply the number you come up with by 5,500 and that is the number of people you are one degree away from doing business with.  
Are we tapping into all the community based organizations, connections, and networks?  Would you like to use proven tools and systems to build entire networks through business / community partnerships?  

The short Coffee Connection History video is a great video to share with other business or community based organizations.  

Teresa Lekan, founder of many Indiana Coffee Connections is working with other Coffee Connection founders from around the country to develop partnerships with 310 SCORE chapters, that are in partnership with over 4,600 Chamber of Commerce's, which connect to over 1.4 million business owners and community leaders around the country.   
So . . . what are your thoughts?  Pretty interesting right?  If you get the impression that others have invested decades into building Coffee Connections for your benefit . . . you are right.   

What's the NEXT Step?  

The 6 minute "Next Steps" video will help set up the next steps.