The Wizard . . . Membership Info
Wizard's Members  Only Area ~ Information ~ Sign Up & Sign In
The Members Only Area is literally an online massive library of resources from not only The Wizard but also WIT's ~ Wizard(esses) In Training and the many amazing friends of The Wizard.
Membership / Community
The Wizard . . . is really a movement . . . in helping people to become the magical individuals they were created to be and helping them to reach beyond their potential in every area of their lives.  

Many people have said to The Wizard . . . "It won't work . . . people won't like what you are sharing, you offend and vaporize people, tell them they are sloppy, lazy, undisciplined and pathetic . . . PEOPLE WON'T LIKE THAT!"   The Wizard believe's that the opposite is true.  He believes that people are hungry for truth and that they are tired of being seduced by everyone and will embrace the truth in the most amazing way . . . AND, will work very hard to get others to do so as well.
My 1 Word . . . and "why"
Please put your one word in all CAPS and then put a ~ and why.  Example . . . 
SMART ~ When The Wizard said he was the smartest person in the the world and also the most humble, I honestly thought he was full of himself, had a huge ego and was narcissistic . . . now what I realize is that, that was just me projecting myself onto The Wizard.  He truly is amazing, so smart and so humble . . . and he is helping me to learn to see that about myself as well.  Thank You!
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