Interesting Questions
Have you ever had this question?
"Why don't people learn from their mistakes?"
Wall Street Journal ~ Saturday / Sunday, April 23 -24, 2022
Ask Ariely - Dan Ariely
Dear Dan,
I'm a laboratory technician, and I'm responsible for training a new employee to operate some complicated equipment.  He's just isn't getting it, and he keeps making the same mistakes instead of learning from them.  What else can I do?  Ayla
The idea that we can learn from our mistakes is appealing, but it's not always correct.  Researchers have found that people often don't learn from their mistakes, even when given an immediate opportunity to correct the.
   In one set of studies, participants responded to factual questions by selecting one of two possible answers.  After each question, feedback was provided.  Test-takers in the "success" group were told only when they answered a question correctly, while those in the "failure" group were told only when they answered incorrectly.
   Both groups had the same opportunity to learn from the feedback.  But when they were retested, the "failure" group was less able to learn from their mistakes than the "success" group, which showed more progress.  Why?  Subsequent research suggested that failure threatens the ego and causes people to engage.  We find it easier to learn from other people's failures than from our own.
   So the next time you're working with your new employee, make a point of commenting on everything he's doing the right way.  Instead of drawing attention to his mistakes, talk broadly about mistakes that other people might make when they're first learning how to use the equipment, include mistakes you might have made.  In general, when the ego is put aside, things often improve.

So ... What Do You Think?

NOTE:  If you have thoughts, but don't write a response, that's alright ... but think about why you want post something, post your thoughts?  Often people won't share their thoughts and don't know why?
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So ... What Do You Think ... Of What Others Think? :-)

Do you believe you are confident?  Do you believe your thoughts matter?  From a 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how high would you rate your ego?  Hmmm ... "If you are confident and your thoughts matter and you don't share, why don't you share?  Maybe we don't have the confidence we think we do?  :-)
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