The Wizard . . . Best Friend
Mark Boersma

The Wizard's Best Friend . . . 

You may think of Mark Boersma as being someone pretty strange.  Most who know him would say . . . "You have NO idea as to how strange Mark is."  
Questions . . . if for some strange reason you would like to meet with Mark, call / text Elise at 708-856-1503 and she will determine if it's a good idea for you to meet with Mark.  :-)

Mark's Family

This picture was taken in 2006.  Mark has 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys.  
Latest Update ~ January 4th 2020
7 children, 3 son in laws, 1 daughter in law, 5 grandchildren and 1 on the way.  :-) 
Many people have said that one of the strange things about Mark is that "He loves people, but just doesn't like them."  

1. People either LOVE Mark or DISLIKE him a lot!

Mark has social autism. What's that you may ask? He is very direct with people and will tend to tell people what he believes to be the truth, even if people dislike him. Most people think they know someone who is direct . . . but . . . when compared to Mark . . . well . . . they may not look so direct?  It's ideal if you are able to take a short, 10 question test to determine your level of being a Zombie / Robot / Vampire.   ~ click here ~
2. Mark's Journals
What is the difference between being a genius and being insane?  Mark has been married since 1985.  His wife and kids will be very direct about him as well.  Mark's journals . . . well . . . let's say they are a bit interesting.  Many people are drawn into Mark's world / mind and have said "I have never met anyone like Mark in my life."  Tom Kunz, past President of the largest real estate in the world shared "I have traveled all around the world and I have never met anyone who has a mind like Mark.  It's like his mind never shuts off."  Peter Miles, past board member of BMW shares "Traveling the world, being on the board of worldwide companies, I know some very smart people and I have never met anyone who's mind works as fast as Mark.  The guy is a f______ genius."  Others who have reviewed over his journals have shared "He's like Leonardo Da Vinci."  One thing that is strange about Mark is that he really does believe he's an average to below average person.  ~ click here ~ for a peak into Mark's Brian.  WARNING:  It can be scary. :-)
3. Model's Mark Has Created
Mark has a very disciplined system for creating his journal models.  Almost all of his journal models are created in church on Sunday's.  Just FYI . . . his dad was a pastor and missionary.  He's not totally clear as to why he does this then but that is when it happens.  The best journal models he then brings into a computer program.  

Mark's mind seems a bit crazy.  His children tell him . . . "Dad, you are not bi-polar but quad or quin polar."  He thinks that they are saying it because they love him and it's endearing . . . they may not say the same thing.  
4. Mark Is An International Speaker & Author . . . 
Mark is an International Speaker & Author . . . AND . . . he doesn't like to speak or write.   Mark has written 16 books and over 100 white papers.  Mark shares that he thinks of writing as his therapy.  He won't tell you but he has written all but three of the white papers in the following library.  He gives others credit for all that he's written . . . for many reasons.  One of those reasons is that he studies people A LOT and is curious.  People have said "Mark is a scientist of people." and "It's insane what Mark is able to tell about someone based on how they say 'Hello'." 
5. Mark's Life Vision
At the age of 8, Mark was at Camp Fairwood in Wisconsin and something spoke to him and said "Mark, you are an average to below average kid.  If you are a good steward of what I give you, you will impact the world.  In almost five decades he has never forgotten that.  
Mark's Life Vision Is . . . 
"To touch the entire world, one person at a time and make a huge difference in everyone's life, in every area of life, in a significant and fun way.   Yes, that's 7.4+ Billion people."
Mark's not the sharpest tool in the tool shed.  It took Mark over 30 years to figure out how to help every single person in the world to figure out their Life Vision in 20 minutes or less.  :-)  
Mark Loves this video!  It seems like this is what we are being called to do?  

Alan Stein ~ President 

“Mark helps people to see things that are life and business changing. He is truly a dimensional thinker and seeks to help all those around him with Dimensional Living“
“For a long time, I “saw” or thought I saw Mark as a business owner trying to make a living for his family, just like all the rest of us are. I thought his primary goal was the same as most people in the world- to make money so he could support himself and retire at some point to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Then I started to “see” that this was just a reflection of where I MYSELF WAS AT.
I started to SEE that as being only on the superficial exterior. The DEEPER REALITY was and is something that I am completely unfamiliar with and still struggle sometimes to accept- that Mark is coming from a much a different place- a place that is very different than the rest of us. I do not have much access to this place. It is a place with a different conception of SELF. Where real service to mankind is the driving force not concerns with my own life issues. Hard to even imagine what this would mean to me if I were to attempt to live so differently. Much has to done first though before I could even reach the dimension where this could be a reality not just imagination. See, it is not really about making more money, doubling your income or being more successful. I started to catch glimpses of something much, much deeper. Like peering into another dimension for moments. This is what we are really being led to.”
6. Natural Laws Govern Mark's Life
There are over 500 Natural Laws which have been discovered and Mark personally has discovered 100's of them.  Because of Mark's social autism or that he's just average or below average . . . no one is sure honestly . . . but anyway . . . Mark seems to feel that he needs to study Natural Laws to learn how and why people think and act the way they do.  Mark and Tom Kunz along with some others have invested decades into figuring out and mapping these Natural Laws out for the benefit of the 7.4+ billion people.
7. How Does Mark Earn Money?
That is a really good question.  :-)   Around 2004, Mark took a values inventory and of the 30 values tested #1 was Spirituality and #30 was money.   Mark gives away over 97% of his IP ~ Intellectual Property.  Mark earns his money which supported his 7 children and enabled his wife to stay at home for 30 years to raise their children with something that is called ActionVISION.  
Mark owns Synergy Solutions, Inc. which owns all the copyrights to ActionVISION.  Most clients will refer to ActionVISION as business or executive coaching . . . but in fact, ActionVISION is really more of an engineering system to discover one's life vision.  Mark's company will then design / engineer a BOS ~ Business Operating System which is an engine which runs our business / life.  
8. Can I meet Mark Boersma?
The better question is . . . "Why would you want to?"  It's clear that something isn't totally right with him upstairs if you know what we mean.  In 2011, Mark discovered The Secret About Time and from that point until today he has an extra 20+ hours of free time a week and takes off one week every month.  

Of course with all that free time, Mark could meet you . . . but . . . it may not be best for him to meet you personally or even over the phone.  Hard to tell?  What he and his team have discovered is that often it's best to not meet with Mark directly, but better to meet with someone else.

Again, Mark is a bit strange and even his own three brothers have a hard time hanging with him.  One of his brothers won't even read emails he writes to whole groups of people.  He says . . . "Mark, it's like when I read one of your emails to the many people you write to, you're going faster than the speed of light, with you're Quantum Thinking, or whatever you call it . . . and it's like I black out."  
Go to the following survey library, complete whichever one of the surveys you are drawn to.  Someone from one of the many networks Mark belongs to will reach out to talk with you about the results from your answers.  If after you talk with them you would still like to personally talk with Mark, feel free to ask them if they think it would be a good idea to talk with Mark.  If they think it's a good idea they will work to do their best to make that happen.  
9. What books / movies does Mark like?
Mark realized a number of years ago that so much of how he thinks comes from the books he has read and certain movies he has internalized.  Mark also wanted to help his children and grandchildren to also have the ability to think the way he does . . . but . . . realized that they would most likely not read the same books that he did.  
He also realized that even if they did, they would not pull away the things / internalize the things that he did.  Mark then went on to create a summary system for the best books and parts of movies that have greatly impacted his life.  

If you do decide to meet with Mark and get that opportunity it would be good to bring your own list of books and movies which have changed your life. Even more important than this though if you do meet with Mark is to have people ~ business ~ life questions you are currently seeking answers to.  It's actually wild how much Mark can tell about someone, based on the questions they ask.
10. Is Mark as tough as people think he is? 
What's interesting about Mark is that when people think he's a nice guy ... he's not.   Trust us ... he sees something in you that you likely haven't seen and do not want to see.   He's not being nice he's being selfish as he doesn't want to be the first person to tell you something that you do want to hear and/or something that your parents, siblings, wife or children have told you, but you don't want to hear.  He is NOT being nice, he is being selfish and doesn't want to deal with your drama.  

Now on the flip side when Mark does care for you and tells you the truth ... well ... you will likely think he's arrogant, narcissistic, full of ego, racist, sexist, mean, abusive and whatever else may come to mind.   Trust us, Mark isn't totally stupid, he realizes you are probably like most normal human beings and will be all upset when he says what he says and he cares enough about you to tell you the truth ... something ... it would seem to be, that either others haven't done or you haven't listened.  

Now ... Mark is a white male over 50 ... so ... if you are white male over 50, you know what Mark is thinking ... or do you?  :-)    No one really listens to Mark so he takes out his frustration on other white males over 50.  If you are a white male over 50 and you are a friend of Mark and not mentioned in the following link, well let Mark know and he will mention you.  :-)  If you are not a white male over 50, and you love what you are reading ... well ... Mark shares what he thinks about white males over 50 ... just remember ... he is NOT saying that whatever he says about the white male over 50 is not the same about you ... whatever age, ethnic, gender ... or whatever makes you very special, smart, busy and important.  :-)

WARNING ~ Mark likes to have fun.   If we can't laugh at ourselves ... a little ... then others will laugh at us.
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