The Wizard . . . 
 Internalizing Anxiety
The Wizard's ARRT for  Internalizing Anxiety
Virtual Coffee Connection

The Wizard Certification . . . 

Believe it or not . . . The Wizard use to have anxiety . . . until I realized that was the source of my magical powers.  Hope you see that too.
There are Coffee Connections and then there are those who are certified by The Wizard in being a Coffee Connection leader.  There is a HUGE difference.  Learn . . . master the difference.  
We Meet Every Monday
9:30 am (pt) ~ 10:30 am (mt) ~ 11:30 am (ct) ~ 12:30 pm (et) 
712-775-7031 - Code: 688-592#
Webinar access:
Questions . . . connect with your ARRT Mentor or call / text Elise 708-856-1503.

Engineered CLARITY... 

I joined this mastermind group to gain clarity as a loan officer in helping my referral sources to better LEVERAGE our mutual success.

What is Coffee . . . 

Coffee Connections for mortgage and real estate professionals is an amazing way to bring massive value to one another and mutually grow our businesses together.
Mastermind vs. Network
In a networking group . . . you give me a fish, I give you a fish and we both walk away happy . . . but we still own a job rather than owning a company?  In Coffee Connection mastermind groups we learn how to build systems which do the fishing for us so we OWN A COMPANY . . . vs. Owning A Job.
Success Circle Of 12
~ Step 1: Learn About Mastermind Groups ~
Find 2 ARRT Buddies and the three of you will do far more together than anyone of you could individually do.
Don't make it harder than what it is.  We all have 10,080 minutes in a week.  You are seeking to find 2 individuals who will commit to doing a phone mastermind for 30 minutes once a week.
A word from The Wizard
You are in for an amazing treat . . . in being a part of this amazing mastermind group . . . not because of me . . . of course . . . but because of those who are leading this group and also contributing.  If you think . . . "I've been to something like this in the past." trust me . . . as The Wizard, you haven't.
LEVERAGE Chamber Of Commerce 
Would you like to gain a lot more access to a lot more people without taking a great deal of time?  Imagine . . . bringing so much value to your local Chamber of Commerce's that they strongly recommend everyone in the Chamber talking with you!  With the SCORE + Chamber + LMI (You) partnering together, you can accomplish so much more together than you ever could on your own.  Check out the attached white / thought paper for additional details and then talk to Don, Ski and/or the individual who invited you.
Coffee Connection
52 Second Overview Video
1  Minute MVP Video
Coffee Connection
4 Minute Introduction Video
Coffee Connection
8 Minute History Video
Coffee Connection
6 Minute Next Steps
~ Step 2: Learn About Coffee Connection ~
Are you looking for an innovative way to generate more and better business opportunities?  The CORE group which meets over the phone every Friday, assists every member, who desires, to start their own local Coffee Connection Mastermind group.   
Don't make it harder than what it is.  We all have 10,080 minutes in a week.  You are seeking 2 individuals who will commit to doing a phone mastermind for 30 minutes once a week to participate in the weekly virtual mastermind group.
How many of our current connections, are we tapping into just a small portion of their full network?  Are we LEVERAGING our own networks and the networks of others for mutual benefit to everyone?

Did you know, based on university research that the average person knows around 250 people and the average business owner knows over 5,500 people?  Write down or better yet, put in a spreadsheet all the business owners, business professionals and community leaders you know.  Multiply the number you come up with by 5,500 and that is the number of people you are one degree away from doing business with.  
Are we tapping into all the community based organizations connections and networks?  Would you like to use proven tools and systems to build entire networks through business / community partnerships?  

The short Coffee Connection History video is a great video to share with other business or community based organizations.  

Teresa Lekan, founder of many Indiana Coffee Connections is working with other Coffee Connection founders from around the country to develop partnerships with 310 SCORE chapters in partnership with over 4,600 Chamber of Commerce's which connect to over 1.4 million business owners and community leaders around the country.   
So . . . what are your thoughts?  Pretty interesting right?  If you get the impression that others have invested decades into building Coffee Connections for your benefit . . . you are right.   

What's the NEXT Step?  

The 6 minute "Next Steps" video will help set up the next steps.
Under Construction . . . We are working to add additional resources and 
connections below for your future benefit and value. 
In The News
  • Awesome Feature - Super Cool Thing #1
  • Even Cooler Feature - Amazing Thing #2
  • And So Much More...
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